This is the highest paid programming language of 2021

For coders and programmers, the choice of programming language is crucial to their work. While Python has long been a popular language, a report by The Next Web suggests that Rust has emerged as the highest paying programming language in 2021. The report refers to a study conducted by O’Reilly, a tech training company. The study found that developers who code in Rust earn the highest average salary compared to other languages like Python.

Another survey conducted by StackOverflow confirmed the popularity of Rust among developers.

What sets Rust apart as the highest paid programming language? According to Mike Loukides, the author of the O’Reilly study, the demand for Python programmers is high due to a large supply. Loukides stated to The Next Web, “There are boot camps producing thousands of Python programmers; it has become the standard language for introductory computer science courses in college; it is one of the two languages typically used for data analysis in the sciences. For Rust and Go, the demand is smaller, but so is the supply.”


The study examining salary based on programming language revealed that professionals using Rust have the highest average salary (over $180,000), followed by Go ($179,000), and Scala ($178,000). Python remains extremely popular, with professionals using the language earning an average salary of about $150,000.

According to the report, Rust is known for its speed, absence of a runtime or garbage collector, and easy integration with other languages. It also has the ability to identify and eliminate many types of bugs during compilation.

Some of the highly paid roles for Rust programmers include software engineers, backend engineers, and blockchain engineers. The report cites average salaries for these positions in the UK, where a software engineer can earn close to £44,000, while a blockchain engineer can potentially earn around £55,000.